From the course: Learning Cinema 4D S22

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Material projections and UV mapping

Material projections and UV mapping - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Learning Cinema 4D S22

Material projections and UV mapping

- [Instructor] Think of the materials you create as being on a flat sheet of paper. When a material is applied to an object, a material tag is created and Cinema 4D uses a projection methods to wrap the material around the object. There are quite a few projection methods, but the default is UVW mapping relating it back to the 3d coordinate system, U represents X, V represents Y and W represents Z. You need a W coordinate to calculate things like 3D noises, but that's another story. With parametric primitive objects like the cube and sphere, they have predefined UVW coordinates, but internally Cinema 4D is applying the best kind of projection method for that object. So if we click on the key material tag and change the projection to cubic, you see nothing changes and that's ideal for this shape. If we come over to the sphere, the ideal projection type is spherical. Now, if we take a close look at the banana, we can see…
