From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Looping animation applied to effectors

Looping animation applied to effectors - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Looping animation applied to effectors

- [EJ] Hello and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. Today I'm going to show you how you can easily loop random animation applied via mograph Effectors. Now, when people apply random animation to a cloner, they typically go to a Random Effector. Now there's nothing wrong with this. If we go to our parameter, maybe we just want to maybe just scale this up, so uncheck Position, check on Scale, check on Uniform Scale. Just type in once. We have this random scaling up of our objects here. So let's go to our Effector and here's where we can change the random mode from Random, which if I hit play here, has no animation whatsoever, but if I change this to say Turbulence, you'll see that we can now have this animated and we have these animation options. So we have the animation speed. Let's just bring this down to say, let's choose 10. And so it's just subtly undulating there. And then we have the scale of the noise that's being…
