From the course: Cinema 4D: Dynamics

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Collision shape

Collision shape

Cinema's 4D's dynamics is optimized for speed, and accuracy comes second. So, the burden of choice, when it comes to accuracy and speed, is up to you. Sometimes this exhibits some weird behaviors. Let me show you one of them, if I create something like a Taurus. And a sphere. I'll make the sphere smaller. Obviously, the sphere can go through the Taurus. I'll raise the sphere, adjust my camera, adjust my display settings, select both objects, right click, and add Rigid Body tags. Finally, I select the rigid body, the Taurus, and make it a static object. If I press play, I would expect the sphere to go through the Taurus. But that does not happen. Cinema 4D ignores holes by default. The setting to change that resides on the Rigid Body tag. The collision tab, where it says shape. And currently, it's set to automatic. Automatic collision shape is the shape that is optimized for speed. And holes is one of the first things it ignores. If I set this to either static mesh or moving mesh, the…
