From the course: BIM Tools

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- [Instructor] There's a new text editor. This one's exciting. It shouldn't be, we should've had a 21st century text editor a long time ago, but here it is. I'm going to jump into Revit, of course. I'm going to go to a floor plan. I'm going to throw some text in. The old way still stands, we can either click the text up here on the Quick Access toolbar or, of course, go to Annotate, Text. These are all the same here as well, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick a window and add some text. Here's the difference. First of all, look, we can pan around and zoom in and out. That's good. Remember when it used to be way out here? You'd have to type some in, zoom in on it, then finish it. That was awesome. What I like to do is just start typing. Of course, this is lowercase and that's no good, but what I can do is swipe over it and uppercase it. Excellent, now I can zoom in a little bit more and hit the dropdown. Maybe I'll bullet this. I'm going to call it BULLET, notice that we're…
