From the course: Additive Manufacturing: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Sanding 3D prints

Sanding 3D prints

- [Instructor] Regardless of what 3D printing technology you're using, your print will be created in layers. This means that there will be some texture on at least some of the surfaces that you may want to get rid of. In this video, we'll give you some tips for sanding away those layer lines to get a glossy smooth print. The fluid behavior of extruding plastic can make layers particularly visible on filming prints. You may have heard of using acetone to smooth 3D prints. This only works on ABS and certain closely related materials. Even for those acetone smoothing isn't always ideal because it also rounds off the prints edges and can cause fine details to melt away. Acetone is also flammable and needs to be handled carefully. Sanding can produce incredibly smooth surfaces but gives you enough control of the process to retain hard edges and avoid delicate features. Sandpaper comes in different grits and most jobs will…
