From the course: 3ds Max 2018 Essential Training

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Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space

Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2018 Essential Training

Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space

- [Instructor] The next step that we want to take in setting up our hierarchy is to take a look at something called Gimbal rotations, and this really comes into play when you're animating an articulated hierarchy such as this. Let's select one of these shoulder objects, get in close on that, and grab the Rotate tool. And if we're in Local coordinate space, that seems to indicate that we're operating in the space of the object. And if I rotate around X, we can see that that object is aligned with the Rotate Gizmo. You can see that more clearly here, as I move to the front. Well, Local mode seems like a good idea for animation, and generations of animators in 3D have been using Local mode forever. However, Local mode is actually really problematic, and that's because it's kind of a fake coordinate space. It's not the actual coordinate space of the object. It looks like it is, but it isn't really. And to illustrate that, I want to open up the Transform Type-In dialog. And that is a…
