From the course: BIM Tools

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Producing assemblies

Producing assemblies

From the course: BIM Tools

Producing assemblies

- [Instructor] In this video I want to create some assemblies. Basically, when we think of assemblies, we think of like mechanical drawings or something like that, but they really can work in a building. Let's get started by jumping into Revit. Under Models, I'll go New. For the template file, I'll use Structural Template. Let's click OK. Let's lay a grid out. So, on the Architecture tab, I'll click Grid. Maybe draw Grid Line One here. I'm going to select Grid One, I'm going to click Copy. Copy One down, I don't know, a few feet. That's Grid Line Two. Let's right-click on Grid One, let's create similar. Pick a point here, let's pick a point here. Hit Escape a couple times. Let's turn on our bubble here. Let's call this Grid A. Select Grid A, click Copy. Let's copy Grid A down and it's Grid B. Okay, now here's what I want to do. Go to the Structure tab. For structure, let's go to Column. For the column, I'll grab a…
