From the course: 3ds Max 2018 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this course we've seen that 3ds Max is a very powerful and deep program for digital content creation and it applies to many industries and many areas of artistic specialization. To extend your knowledge of 3ds Max I invite you to take a look at our other courses and I'll just plug a few of my own. First we've got the 3ds Max: Advanced Materials and it's all about building shader networks and getting familiar with the physical material. Don't let the word advanced throw you off because you can go directly from the essential training into any one of these titles. I've also got a title or a course on Advanced Lighting and it focuses on the ART renderer. It was published before the Arnold renderer was integrated into 3ds Max but it also talks a lot about the general process of lighting with photometrics and natural daylight. I've also got a course on cinematography or camera animation and this is a course that I'm actually particularly proud of because it's the…
