From the course: BIM Tools

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Loading and installing fabrication parts

Loading and installing fabrication parts

From the course: BIM Tools

Loading and installing fabrication parts

- [Instructor] Okay, let's drill into the specifics. I'd like to start running through some of these. Obviously we can't do all of them, but I'd like to try and knock off a few of the good ones. Let's take it from the start, add a couple clip angles and see how we can manipulate them. Let's go into Revit. Let's start a new model using the structural template. I'm just going to frame in a little platform here. On the Structure tab, I'm going to go to Grid. I'm going to draw into gridline, turn on my bubbles. Just going to copy it down, make it a total of five feet. I'm going to right-click on this grid, Create Similar. Put one here. Maybe call that A. I'm going to select it and I'm going to copy this over. We'll go another 25 feet. Excellent. Now, let's throw some columns in. On the Structure tab, let's click the Column button. The depth can be level one, that's fine. Let's click Add Grids. Pick a window around here. That's finished. Hit escape a couple time. Let's grab some beams…
