From the course: BIM Tools

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Graphic display depth cueing

Graphic display depth cueing

From the course: BIM Tools

Graphic display depth cueing

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at graphic display depth cueing. We can tell Revit to make stuff shaded or lighter the farther it gets away from the origin of our view that we're looking at. So to do that, let's get started under projects. I'll just grab an architectural template. In Plan, I'm going to click on Wall. I'm going to draw a wall pretty close to the origin of my elevation marker here. Hit escape once. I'll draw one a little further back that's a little bit wider. And I'll draw one back here, way back, that's wider yet. Hit escape. For this wall here, I'm going to select it. In my unconstrained height, I'll make that 10 feet. Click Apply. We'll keep this one at 20. This one back here, let's make it 30. Apply. Now I want to go to my South elevation by clicking on this. As we can see now, all of our walls are the same line weight. Go to Visual Style: Hidden Line. Let's go to Graphic Display Options. Drill into Depth Cueing. Let's show depth. Click Apply. Click OK. So the one…
