From the course: BIM Tools

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Creating a slab depression

Creating a slab depression

From the course: BIM Tools

Creating a slab depression

- [Instructor] Depressions don't make the slabs sad, they just allow for architectural elements to be flush to the face of your concrete. We can add a slab depression either by creating a hosted family and loading it into our model, or by creating an in-place family within the model. This video is going to have us doing both. To get started, in Revit under families, let's go new. You'll browse to my English-Imperial. Now, I want to go to generic model face based, which means basically what it says. Any object that we make is going to be appended to this extrusion we see here in the family. This extrusion represents any architectural structural face, vertical or horizontal. Click open. Let's get right into it. Right click on this reference plane and create similar. In the draw panel, click on the pick lines button. Let's get an offset of one foot. Go to the left, go to the right. Go up, then go down. Hit escape a few…
