From the course: BIM Tools

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Creating a noteblock in Revit

Creating a noteblock in Revit

From the course: BIM Tools

Creating a noteblock in Revit

- [Instructor] So these are actually pretty cool, note blocks. So basically, if you just can't bring yourself to use keynotes, do this. We'll need to make an annotation symbol, then create the note block. So to get started, let's jump into Revit. Under families, let's go new. Let's go to annotation. Let's go to generic annotation, and then we'll click open. Zoom in here and let's delete this little note. On the create tab, go ahead and click label. I'm going to drop this little stinker right here. Now there's no parameters in here, but we can make one. Let's click on add parameter. For the name, I'm going to call it note number. The type of parameter is going to be text. I'm going to make it an instance parameter. I'm going to click OK. I'm going to add that in. For my sample value, I'm going to put in two zeros, just to make it look right. I'd like to make another parameter. I'm going to click add parameter. And I'm going to call it notes text. The type of parameter will be text…
