From the course: BIM Tools

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Calculating units in Revit

Calculating units in Revit

From the course: BIM Tools

Calculating units in Revit

- [Instructor] You might know this one, but I thought I'd officially put it out there. For those of us who struggle with simple arithmetic, this one's good to know. In this short video, we'll use the Revit input dialogues as a little calculator. Under projects, let's start an architectural project. On the architecture tab, select Ref Plane. Let's just draw a ref plane right up the middle here. Hit escape a few times. Now what I want to do is right click on this reference plane and create similar. On my draw panel, let's click on Pick Lines. Now, for the offset, type in the equal sign, it's important that you do that, type in 57 space three inches space divided by three, hit enter. Look at that, it added it up. Now I can just offset that. Offset that. It's 19 foot one. Hit escape a few times. And there you go, I told you this video would be short.
