From the course: BIM Tools

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Autodesk BIM 360 Ops portfolios

Autodesk BIM 360 Ops portfolios

From the course: BIM Tools

Autodesk BIM 360 Ops portfolios

- [Narrator] So 360 OPS. This is a web based facility management application that lets you create work orders, modify those work orders, and close out those work orders. The reason I'm getting involved is because of the BIM aspect. You see, in BIM 360 OPS, you populate the assets of your building from Revit. Yes, that's right, Revit. Since we can't do anything without a portfolio, that's the first thing we're gonna need to do. A portfolio is basically a collection of your facilities. Within your portfolio, you can have one building or many. In this video we're gonna set up a portfolio and get into OPS. To get started, open up a web browser. I'm using Chrome, but I think you can use pretty much anything. Go to, and you'll land at this splash page with this guy. Now, there's two different ways to sign in. If you sign in down here it's a little bit different. You're gonna sign in as an occupant. I don't wanna sign in down here. If we sign in up here that means you…
