From the course: BIM Tools

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Analyzing an annual load report

Analyzing an annual load report

From the course: BIM Tools

Analyzing an annual load report

- [Instructor] Let's run an annual building analysis, shall we? The objective of this video is to configure where a building is geographically. Then we'll run an annual building load analysis and get a report. In Revit, under models, I'm going to go to open. I'll browse where I'm keeping my exercise files and I'll grab MEP Progress Analysis Annual. And notice that we have analysis for HVAC folder. We'll check that out later, once we run our annual analysis. Let's click open. It doesn't matter what view you're in. What I'd like to do though, is go to your manage tab. Now let's click on our location button. As I mentioned before, our project is not on shared coordinates. So we need to actually physically locate our project. So, we can define our location by, we'll say, internet mapping service. I'm going to go to Syracuse, Hancock International Airport. That's our airport, click search. Our building is going to be…
