From the course: BIM Tools

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Adding logos

Adding logos

- [Instructor] I'd like to touch on adding decals to a model today. I know it's a pretty simple subject matter but I like to throw it out there anyhow. Not everyone knows how to do it. Under Projects, let's start a new project using the architectural template. We need a hosting element. Walls are usually a good choice, so let's click Wall. I'm just going to draw a couple walls, like that, I suppose. And I'll hit Escape a couple of times. Now I'm going to go to a default 3D view. Okay. Let's go to the Insert tab. Let's click the Decal drop-down and let's go to Decal Types. Down at the very bottom, let's click on the Create New Decal button. Let's call it LinkedIn. Or obviously if you have another decal you're bringing it in, give it that name. Let's click OK. Now we have some choices for settings. Source. Let's browse for it. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files or wherever you put your logo or decal and select it. Let's click Open. For the brightness, I'll go with two. The…
