From the course: Test-Driven Development in C++

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Set up Google Test with Visual Studio

Set up Google Test with Visual Studio - C++ Tutorial

From the course: Test-Driven Development in C++

Set up Google Test with Visual Studio

- [Instructor] In this lecture, I'm gonna walk through downloading the Google Test C++ unit testing framework, and then building it and getting it set up with a test runner in Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio. The framework is patterned on the typical X-unit type testing frameworks and compiles on Linux, Windows, and Mac environments. For you to follow along with this lecture, you'll need to have a recent version of Visual Studio installed. The first step is to download the Google Test Library, which is stored here on GitHub. I'll be using the Windows Git client to clone the Google Test repo. This requires that you have the Windows GitClient installed, but you can also download the latest source code from GitHub as a zip file instead. So the first step is, I'm going to click this button and highlight the URL for the repo. Then, I'm going to go to the command line and clone the repo using git. Okay, now that I've cloned the repo, I can go ahead and build the library. The Google…
