From the course: C++ Templates and the STL

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Random access iterators

Random access iterators - C++ Tutorial

From the course: C++ Templates and the STL

Random access iterators

- [Instructor] The random access iterator is the most complete iterator of 'em all. It may be used to access any element at any position in a container. This iterator offers all of the functionality of a C pointer. Here I have a working copy of ra-iterator.cpp where ra stands for random access. From chapter three of the exercise files, here we'll be using the vector container because it's a container that allows random access and uses a random access iterator. Here I construct a vector of ints with 10 elements, one through 10, and a iterator object from the vector of ints class. And of course, this iterator can do everything a forward iterator can do. It can do everything a bidirectional iterator can do. The range-based for loop works. All of that works plus we may access elements directly. So, here I take an iterator, I set it to begin and I add five to it and it will get us the element at zero plus five position. Which would be, if this is zero, one, two, three, four, five, it would…
