From the course: Code Clinic: C

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Introduction - C Tutorial

From the course: Code Clinic: C


- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to the sixth and final problem of the Code Clinic series. This is a challenge to create an information dashboard. We live in an ocean of information. In many cases there's too much information to draw useful conclusions. We need to summarize and visualize that information for it to be useful. That's where dashboards have become popular. Dashboards are a visual representation of information that indicates progress or status in a process. They often include charts and graphs and sometimes pictures. Sometimes they're interactive and allow asking what if sort of questions. In this challenge we are asking our authors to create a dashboard that represents the status of a fictional manufacturing process. The status is contained in a text file with a days worth of observations, one per second. Each observation includes a time stamp and the status of several processes at that time. The challenge to our authors is to create a dashboard that shows the status of…
