From the course: Test-Driven Development in C++

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Google Test

Google Test

- [Instructor] In this lecture, I'm gonna give you an overview of Google Test. I'll explain exactly what it is and go over its major features. So what is Google Test? Google Test is an open source C++ unit testing framework from Google, styled after common NUnit type frameworks. It provides the ability to create tests, test cases, and test suites, which it calls text fixtures. It provides several types of assert macros for generating unit test failures. This includes Boolean true/false macros, binary comparison of integer and floating point values, string comparisons, and asserts. It also adds many useful command line arguments to your unit test binary to help specify what tests should be run and in what order. The TEST macro is the simplest way to create a test. It defines a specific test for a specific test case. Tests from the same test case will all be grouped together in the final test output from Google Test. The test case and test names should be valid C++ identifiers and…
