From the course: C++ Templates and the STL

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Bidirectional iterators

Bidirectional iterators - C++ Tutorial

From the course: C++ Templates and the STL

Bidirectional iterators

- [Instructor] The bidirectional iterator may be used to access the sequence of a container in either direction. Here I have a working copy of bidi-iterator.cpp, where bidi stands for bidirectional, from chapter three of the exercise files. The set container type uses a bidirectional iterator. It can be iterated either forward or backward. And so here we have a set, we've initialized it with integers from one through 10, and we have an iterator object for the set, and you'll notice I have a simple for loop. An interesting thing about the end member function in all of these containers that have an end member function is that it returns an iterator that points past the end, and it does that specifically so that these for loops work the way that you expect. But when we're iterating backward, it does not do what we expect, because this end is past the end, and begin is not past the beginning, it's right at the beginning, and so what we need to do here, we can't put our decrement in that…
