From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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The trend toward presentations

The trend toward presentations

- I've decided to put a little section in this course about presentations, within an interview, because increasingly people are being asked to do a presentation. I don't entirely approve of that because whilst I think presentations do give you a different view of a person and you can measure things like their confidence a bit. I just think for a lot of jobs it's not relevant. You know if you're employing say a design engineer, who cares whether they're a good presenter? I mean yes it's an extra skill. Could be useful at a conference or sales pitch maybe, but really I don't think it's the essence of the person's job. But never the less presentations are coming in and I think it's worth giving you some ideas on how to give a great presentation. They're not going to take you by surprise and ask you to do a presentation. They'll probably tell you that you need to bring a 10 minute presentation. But if they do say that, then…
