From the course: Mastering Authentic Influence for Highly Successful Sales

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The split page listening method

The split page listening method

- The simple version of this is that you really listen. The problem is that listening is (chuckling) a lost art. And it's very methodical. For those who know how to listen deeply, there are some very specific things that you do and don't do. But most people are what, it's really a complacency in listening and not in a high level of attentiveness. They're not really paying attention to what the other person is saying all the time. They're listening to voices in their own head. They're listening to their biases about what the person is saying. They're either judging or adding to or trying to fix the problem or ratcheting up the drama in their own minds. So to really hear what the client is saying, you have to do something that I call the split page or the split brain listening method, which is to hear yourself talking to yourself and put that voice to the side so that you make a whole lot more room for the other…
