From the course: Establishing Evening Routines to Optimize the Day Ahead

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A great day starts the night before

A great day starts the night before

- [Pete] So can you tell us, what's the trick to getting more sleep? How does one accomplish this? - [Man] You have to have a morning routine and an evening routine, and I know those phrases, your listeners may hear that and go, "Oh man, I've heard that like 100,000 times "on other podcasts." It's kind of that old dead horse that's been kicked too many times, right? But I'm going to keep coming back to it, you have to have a proper morning and evening routine. And I've said many times before, 80% or more, probably more than that, but 80% or more of an incredible day actually starts in the PM, the night before. People try to start attacking the day from the time they wake up, and really, we're not very good at that, right? We snooze too much, or, I snooze for 14 years, I snoozed for an hour, over an hour. I would set my alarm for an hour before I had to get up knowing I was going to snooze for an hour. How…
