From the course: Become Your Own Boss

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The five Ps: Product and price

The five Ps: Product and price

From the course: Become Your Own Boss

The five Ps: Product and price

- When it comes to marketing, the first thing you have to consider is product. And what product is referring to is what business are you in, what is your unique value proposition, and who is your paying customer? Now here's a hint, if everybody can use your product or service, no one will. But it's really important to get clear about what business you're in. Too often, I've gone to networking events where 30 people have got up to introduce themself and their business, and at the end of it, I only realized what two people actually did. So you want to make sure that not only do you know what business you're in, that you have a good way to explain it to people so that they can figure out whether or not they can perhaps do business with you, or more importantly, give you a warm referral to someone else. Now when it comes to a unique selling proposition, listen, a lot of times we always want to say, well we're going to save…
