From the course: Comparing Agile versus Waterfall Project Management

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The dream situation

The dream situation

- So, if you were doing something bigger like, say a website and something where you could actually visualize the finished product, then it seems to me that it would still be worth having a plan rather than doing it in some sort of suboptimal order. So I'm thinking that even with some software if it's possible to plan it, maybe it would be a benefit to plan it rather than do it, doing it agile style. - Yeah, I mean, I would with your app, it was agile-ish. I wouldn't say it was full agile. If you were actually developing an app, which a lot of people do when they're developing, you know, these apps in the app store, I mean, it seems like there's software everywhere, you would be sitting right next to your developer, and they would work right next to you all the time. And so the commitment, when you're the customer and you're trying to sort of have a product delivered using the more agile mindset is you have to have the…
