From the course: Become Your Own Boss

The astounding small business landscape

From the course: Become Your Own Boss

The astounding small business landscape

- Hi, I'm Melinda Emerson, Small Biz Lady, best-selling author of "Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months." Hey, have you been thinking about starting your own business? Well girlfriend, you're in the right place if you have. Today I'm going to be talkin' to you about how now is the best time ever to start a business. You know, technology has made it so that you can start a one person business on a shoestring overnight. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you should. You need to make sure that you know who your paying customer is, what your unique value proposition is, and you've got to make sure you have some money to invest in your business, otherwise you could mess around and have an expensive hobby. Now listen, starting a business seems cool, everybody wants to be a boss, but I got to tell ya, it's a lot of work. And if you think you do a lot of work now at your job, listen, when you put your shingle out and you say you're open for business, you're taking on 10 jobs at least. So I want to give you all the tools that you need to make a good go-no go decision about whether or not becoming a boss is really for you. Now listen, the world is still waitin' on a better mouse trap so this is a good opportunity, but it's a lot of work, and so I want to make sure that you know everything you need to know about how to transition from being an employee to being an entrepreneur. So over the next few sessions, we're going to talk about all kinds of things. First of all, do you have a life plan? Where do you find business ideas? And how should you consider them? We're also going to have you look at the financials. Where are you going to get the money to start this business? We're going to have you look at what skills you have versus what skills you need to run your business. And this is important because I don't want you to start a restaurant 'cause you like to eat, I want you to start a restaurant because you know somethin' about runnin' a restaurant. We're also going to look at your marketing plan, who is your customer? How to finish your business plan, and lastly, we're going to talk about how to launch this business while you're still working, 'cause yes ladies and gentlemen, I believe in being a side hustler first. So now let's dive into it so that you can decide whether being a boss is really for you. Now when it comes to small businesses, there's a lot of competition out here ladies. There are over 26 million small businesses in the United States, and there are 13 Million small business women in business. But now let me tell you, 18076 women are starting businesses every day. So your competition is fierce. So what we're going to do in this course today is really tell you how you can stand out and compete, and this is important because 88% of women-owned businesses in the US do not make more than 100,000 in revenue, and I'm doin' everything I can so that you're not going to be among those, you're going to be makin' big dollars in no time.
