From the course: Leading like a Futurist

You are a futurist

- I'd like to ask you a few questions. How often do you think about a future that's more than one year out? Or even one month out? Do you believe that we are headed towards a more positive, abundant future? Or towards a negative future of scarcity and hardship? And who is responsible for shaping the future? (lively music) Futurists don't have secret powers to predict the future. There's no Magic 8 Ball or basket of fortune cookie predictions. Thinking about the future doesn't have to be scary or mysterious. It's a discipline and set of practices that we can all learn. This course is about helping you see, shape, and share the future by strengthening your strategic thinking and foresight skills, improving your ability to navigate ambiguity, and amplifying your capacity to create and clearly communicate new opportunities that get others excited too. I'm Lisa Kay Solomon. I've spent the majority of my career helping leaders of all ages learn to lead like futurists. Whether you're a business leader, an entrepreneur, a social impact pioneer, a policymaker, an educator, or student, in times of accelerating change, uncertainty, and complexity, this LinkedIn course is for you.
