From the course: Extreme Productivity (Blinkist Summary)

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Write with efficiency

Write with efficiency

- [Instructor] Link number four. Write with efficiency by finding structure and quiet. Any time you read anything whether it's a novel or a blog post, you get a glimpse inside the mind of the author. Pretty quickly you can ascertain whether that mind is neatly ordered or dramatically chaotic and if you yourself are a writer, your readers will learn much about the inner workings of your brain from the flow of your prose. To improve the efficiency and quality of your writing, you need to add structure to the process. You can do this by brainstorming, categorizing, and then outlining. In the brainstorm phase, write down whatever thoughts come to mind about the subject. Don't worry about order and structure. Paint the broadest strokes possible. For instance, imagine you've been tasked with writing a pitch to your company's executives about how to make the firm more environmentally friendly. You could begin by brainstorming…
