From the course: Get Unstuck: Make a Plan to Move Your Career Forward

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Would you advocate for another?

Would you advocate for another?

- Getting unstuck from a career rut means you've got to advocate for the changes you want to see in your work life. Now I know that that can be tricky because none of us want to seem selfish or needy or be of a bother to any of our colleagues but consider this, have you advocated on someone else's behalf at work? Have you ever encouraged a colleague to go for it when considering a promotion? Have you ever connected a job seeker with a job opening that you thought they'd be perfect for? Or even think about your relationships outside of work. If you saw a loved one, a parent, or a child of yours, who was feeling really stuck and frustrated in some realm of their life, odds are you wouldn't tell them to just deal with it, you'd get busy figuring out how you can take active steps now to bring about change. A lot of us can relate to that challenge between advocating for yourself versus advocating on behalf of someone else.…
