From the course: How to Work Smarter, Not Harder: Save Time and Money and Increase Productivity

Working smarter to thrive

- Hey there, I'm Chelsea Krost, Millennial Expert, Marketing Strategists, and Solopreneur, and welcome to my home office. As we record in summer of 2020, we are all currently working and living in this new normal, where most of us have no choice, but to work from home and manage remote teams. My past three courses were filmed in a production studio that looked like this, and now we're in my home office that looks like this. Now more than ever, the need to figure out how to work smarter and not harder is essential to keep ourselves, our business, and our brands thriving. Every person has a different schedule and different living circumstance, especially during these challenging times. Therefore it is my absolute mission within this course to provide you with tangible tips, tools, and a framework to increase overall productivity and give you back precious time in the day. In this course, we'll start by talking about the most important tool necessary for your success, my favorite time management methods and productivity apps, where to automate and delegate within your business and how to work smarter to enhance your regeneration, digital marketing, content creation and social media efforts. Each tool and workflow example provided within this course have been vetted by me and my clients personally, and all the information applies to all industries. There's a big difference between being busy and being productive. We all deserve to empower ourselves with the knowledge and resources that will help us evolve and grow especially now. Working hard is always good, but working smarter is even better, so if you're ready, let's get started.
