From the course: Insights on Working from Home’s Largest-Ever Experiment

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Working from home can lead to fewer promotions

Working from home can lead to fewer promotions

- [Man] The third finding, which is that one negative piece is promotion rates also dropped, they dropped to almost half. So that's kind of worrying and in fact, we interviewed them and three different drivers came out. One was the most, the obvious, you know the most worrying is that out of sight out of mind, I'm at home, my manager's forgotten about me, I've been passed over. A second version of that was we heard it more for managers actually said, look, you know you kind of got to be in the office, some extent to pick up on the office culture to know what's going on to know what your colleagues are doing to understand the strategy. And so that time that may feel like it's wasted chatting and lunch and coffee, is actually, some of it's quite valuable, and it's important to manage 'em. And then the third possible story we heard a bit leaner, the least of all was, occasionally people tell us, look I actually…
