From the course: Evaluating College as an Investment

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Why you should interview experts

Why you should interview experts

- All right, in this module, we're talking about interviewing the experts. Well, as I talked about in the last module, so many people choose a major without a job focus. What does that mean? They choose a major based on the classes they like, and not the career they want to go into. For example, a lot of people decide they want to become a teacher. Well, we've all been in the classroom with students, and so we think like, "Oh yeah, we know what that's going to be like." But the truth is we've never actually been on the other side of the desk to see what it's really like to be a teacher. We don't know what a teacher really has to deal with. We really don't have that firsthand experience. So a lot of people become teachers. They get into the classroom, they look around, they realize, "Oh my gosh, this isn't for me." And then they're at a total loss because they have student loans from becoming a teacher and they've…
