From the course: How to Train Your Brain For Happiness

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Why invest in happiness?

Why invest in happiness?

- Why invest in happiness? Most Americans report that they are disengaged at work. How many? About 53% of Americans report feeling some sort of disengagement at work. Now, why is this an issue? Well, disengaged employees and workers cost U.S. companies over half a trillion, that's trillion with a T, half a trillion dollars worth of lost revenues. When employees report feeling more engaged or a sense of purpose or value, they are 65% more inclined to be motivated, to show up on time, and to have less sick time, to you'll have greater retention of your employees, and your overall bottom line improves. So we're finding in the research that when employees experience that sense of value, belonging, and engagement, they're no longer succumb to the acronym, what I call, SAD. They're no longer feeling the stress, anxiety, and disengagement. So the key to investing in happiness, not only does it improve your bottom line,…
