From the course: Mastering Conversations in Retail Sales

Why conversations matter

- Most customers want to buy something, right? I mean, that's why they're in your store. What they don't want is to have your product flashed in their face, especially something they don't need or can't afford, but there are some things that consistently turn customers off and make them wish they'd gone somewhere else. One of them is just unwanted attention, constant hovering and nonstop talking makes people uncomfortable. Another turnoff is any kind of high-pressure sales tactic. Nobody wants that kind of stress. People want to feel like your friend, not your customer. Now, fortunately, there's a much better way to connect with them, and that's to just have conversations, genuine, authentic, human-to-human conversations, and that's what I'll teach you how to do. Now, we're going to talk about some of the most important conversations you should be prepared to have as a retail sales associate, like how to start a conversation, or even what to say when someone says, oh, thanks, I'm just looking. Plus a number of other conversations that, if you haven't already had, you will.
