From the course: Freelancing Tips

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Which website builder is right for you?

Which website builder is right for you?

From the course: Freelancing Tips

Which website builder is right for you?

- So you've decided you want your own website, and now you're realizing just how many different tools are available to help you get started. It can be a bit overwhelming at first. These tools are called Content Management Systems, or CMS. Each of them allows you to create, publish, and manage digital content. But how do you decide which one is right for you? It comes down to what you're looking for. I've created a chart that you can download in the exercise files. It compares the most common tools based on what freelancers need, so let's get started. If you want a free website that can be launched quickly, I recommend Wix or These let you start with a template, they're easy to customize, and they're self-hosted. You can get a decent website up and running in no time. If you're willing to pay a little more and are looking for a more artistic or visual look, but still want a quick launch, Squarespace might be the answer. It has beautiful templates, it's self-hosted, and…
