From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

Where do you begin?

Where do you begin?

- I'd like to congratulate you on completing the course. You should now be familiar with the most respected leadership models available today. A key theme in the course was that, you don't have to be a natural born leader to have influence. Most of the approaches we looked at, emphasized that anybody can become a stronger leader with effort and instruction. With your development in mind, I'd like to suggest two next steps. First, commit to grow as a leader. Make the decision that your leadership development will be a top priority moving forward. Second, reflect on the approach from the course that motivates you the most. Dive deeper into that specific area, and put those ideas into practice as soon as possible. You could start by reading a book by one of the experts mentioned in the course. You can also browse through other LinkedIn Learning courses to see which one sounds like the best fit for you. And feel free to share your success stories with me by connecting on LinkedIn…
