From the course: Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh on Blitzscaling

When to start blitzscaling

- Here are a few factors that can tell you whether or not it's appropriate to blitzscale. The first is, is there a first-scaler advantage? Does sprinting give you some sort of lasting competitive advantage? You wouldn't sacrifice efficiency for speed and undergo all the stress of blitzscaling, unless it gave you a long-term competitive advantage. The second, is whether or not there's a learning curve. So, often times, we end up in situations where entering the market allows us to learn valuable lessons about how to serve that market. If you're the first to enter the market, and you have the most experiences in that market, riding that learning curve can give you an unassailable competitive advantage. The final thing you need to consider is competition. Blitzscaling is about winning a race by sacrificing efficiency for the sake of speed. If you look around and you don't see any competition, maybe you don't need to sprint maybe you can just take a leisurely stroll. But I want to remind people, just because you don't see any competition doesn't mean it's there. In general it's a good assumption that there are smart people everywhere looking to do the same thing, so blitzscaling is usually a good strategy.
