From the course: What's Next: Reinventing Work in the New Normal

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What's next: Managing performance when workers are remote

What's next: Managing performance when workers are remote

From the course: What's Next: Reinventing Work in the New Normal

What's next: Managing performance when workers are remote

(energetic music) - I think it's safe to say that we're in a transition period, but it seems like working from home is here to stay. And as a manager, you've likely had to adapt. Now, whether your team stays remote moving forward or goes into more of a hybrid model, or even goes back into the office, you might have some questions around managing employee performance in this new space. Hey, I'm Kelly Ruda with LinkedIn Learning, and today, Kim Kaupe is joining us. She is a manager and a leader of a high-performing team, plus she's been on several prestigious lists, like Forbes' 30 Under 30 and Inc.'s 30 Under 35. And she's even been on the American TV show for entrepreneurs called "Shark Tank." She's here to shed some light on managing performance in a virtual environment. Kim, welcome. - Thanks for having me! What a crazy world we're living in. - It certainly is. (laughs) So when we're talking about managing…
