From the course: Redefining Workplace Learning Analytics

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What's driving the emergence of learning analytics

What's driving the emergence of learning analytics

From the course: Redefining Workplace Learning Analytics

What's driving the emergence of learning analytics

- I've been asked a lot about where learning analytics came from. Questions like, why is there a sudden interest and what is shaping the field exactly? Let's go ahead and answer them here. It is true to say over the past decade or two there have been a number of forces driving the emergence of this field. First of all, the world of work itself is changing. Employees are becoming more diverse, people are moving and changing jobs across the world, and the types of skills you need to do your work are also changing. Having robots, automation, and AI at work replace some of the tasks we do, but at the same time, make us pick up new skills. And for the first time, we have all five generations at work, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z. With all of that, we really need to understand how people learn differently. How do we cater to this diversity and how do we design these training programs accordingly? There's a need for training…
