From the course: Financing Your Business

What you'll learn in this course

From the course: Financing Your Business

What you'll learn in this course

- Let's talk about what you're going to learn in this course. First, you're going to learn how to prepare for financing before you start your search. It's not always as difficult as you may think, so don't be put off by these steps because they could save you a lot of money. Next, we're going to talk about how to get top tier financing, the financing that comes with the very best interest rates and the best terms. Even if you're not ready for this type of financing yet, this will help you understand what it will take to get there. You're also going to learn about financing options if you don't have great credit scores. If credit has been a challenge for you, I'm going to provide alternatives. You're also going to learn ways to finance a startup. So whether this is your first business or another business that you're starting, you're going to learn what options may be available. We're going to talk about very important credit card strategies, including the one piece of plastic that I urge you to use with caution and maybe even avoid completely. Then we're going to pull it all together to set you up for success. Let's get going.
