From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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What will work and won’t work

What will work and won’t work

- Before we talk about what will work, let's talk about what won't. Anything that looks fake, rehearsed, overprepared, or under-rehearsed, this type of content will rarely resonate with the audience and will always look out of place. Now with that being said, you want to know what will work. Well, nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile phone. This statistic alone gives you a big clue in the ways in which people will and should be watching the content that you create. So when you think video, think social, think community-driven, think about the type of persona that you want to share with your followers, your friends, so that they can understand and learn more about your brand. Content should be created so that it can be consumed and of course, shared. But most of all, video works well because it builds trust. Trust is the foundation of conversions and sales. The whole concept of content marketing is based…
