From the course: Developer Career Paths and Certifications

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What should your resume/profile include?

What should your resume/profile include?

From the course: Developer Career Paths and Certifications

What should your resume/profile include?

- Your resume or profile says a lot about you. Now hiring managers and recruiters I talked to mention that the most important thing a profile or resume should say is your story. Now it should highlight a strong headline, that is your elevator pitch. Mine says that I love helping people learn full stack development with a clear practical style. Start your headline with a single statement that defines you and that you and others can easily remember. You can add longer statements in an about section that spells out the larger story of who you are. Remember that your activity on LinkedIn is also part of your profile. So, your comments, posts, articles, and other activity can also be highlighted in the features section. Recruiters and employers will definitely look at your activity on multiple social networks, like LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow. Make sure your conversations are constructive, positive, and helpful.…
