From the course: Travel Hacks: Staying Productive on the Road

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What rooms to request for quiet, productive stays

What rooms to request for quiet, productive stays

From the course: Travel Hacks: Staying Productive on the Road

What rooms to request for quiet, productive stays

- When staying at a hotel, the room you're in can make a big difference in how productive and rested you can be while you're there. Probably the number one factor in determining the pleasantness of your stay, is how much noise you have to deal with. When you check into your hotel, be sure to ask about your room's location. Now if you have status with the hotel you're checking into, you'll have a better chance of getting a more desirable room. But, it never hurts to ask at the front desk if they can find you a room with more favorable characteristics. For example, request a room that's away form the elevators. That's where everyone on your floor comes and goes, and being by the elevator means hearing everyone right outside your door at all hours of the day. Having large groups of people walking and talking outside your door can be really distracting when you're in there trying to work and it can be really annoying when…
