From the course: Real Estate: Fearless on the Phone

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What to expect on the phone

What to expect on the phone

- [Instructor] Further, we're going to break this down into five segments. We're going to really talk about what to expect when the phone rings. So we're not blindsided. Because you'll find that there's really nothing new under the sun. One objection that you get from one seller, you're going to get it a million times, right? Certain concerns you get on this side of town, you're going to get a million times. So we'll be able to give you the generalities. So you know what to expect going into these calls, and then just the art of communication. Just really how to speak and communicate effectively and really make people feel comfortable and build rapport. Because the purpose of when your phone rings, you should be excited, because there's potentially a lot of money on the other end of that line. So, marketing, we say is the heart and soul of our business, but what good is our marketing if we can't convert the leads that our…
