From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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"What do you like most?"

"What do you like most?"

- The next question is, what do you like most about your current job? It's quite a tricky question actually, 'cause whatever you don't say is going to reveal things as well. So I think what I would go for is probably learning. 'Cause we all want people who are just always moving on. So you could say I love the fact that I'm learning loads, but also, I like freedom to get on with it. Because we all like somebody who's just going to do the job without lots of management. So you could say I like the freedom to get on with it but you could also say I like making customers happy. And you could say the people that I work with. And remember, you can have several things. So why not say I love the customers, but I also love the people I work with. Now this is going to have to be tailored a bit to the job you're applying for. Because ideally, the things that you like about your current job are the things that they are looking for in…
