From the course: Mastering Authentic Influence for Highly Successful Sales

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What are clients looking for?

What are clients looking for?

- So selling got a whole lot more social after 2006. Facebook and those kinds of social media has actually engaged clients more than previously. So the complexity is there that solutions come up and require teams of people rather than a single person selling. The social aspect of it means that clients have the internet and they have another expert to go to. So all of these factors make it harder on trusted advisors to actually be influential with their clients. And what clients are looking for is for the trusted advisor to spend more time revealing the processes and the thought processes that they're going through, not only what do I think is best for you but to reveal the kinds of solutions that I have considered and put aside. It's a much more iterative communication process, internally to my team of resources 'cause they have to be involved and externally to the client. So a commoditized marketplace, one in which what…
