From the course: Using Video to Convey Your Passion and Personality

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Ways to surprise and delight your audience

Ways to surprise and delight your audience

- At this point, I'm hoping that you're starting to feel a little bit more comfortable about the idea of being in front of the camera. So you're starting to create that content. The next step is that you want to keep your audience's attention, and the ways in which you can do that is Q&As, backstage highlights. You can also hold contests and giveaways, and I'm going to break down all of those a little bit further. Going back to how I actually started in front of the camera, I was in a studio. It was a live TV show, and I had to make sure the audience were texting in their ideas, their thoughts when it came to the latest news and entertainment, pop culture. So I had to think of ideas in order to keep them engaged with me, and I did that through these uses of behind the scenes footage, contests and giveaways, and Q&As. Think about it. Once you start filming, if you say "Join me at the end "of this episode, and I'll tell you…
