From the course: Establishing Evening Routines to Optimize the Day Ahead

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Watch your magnesium levels

Watch your magnesium levels

- Third thing is use high quality magnesium. Pete, especially for us as guys, we're really deficient in magnesium. Just in our Western diet, we don't get it as much as we should. But magnesium, and I had to do all this research, right, 'cause I didn't know any of this, but it helps optimize circularization, blood pressure, balance of blood sugar. It helps relax your muscles, if you get the right type, it helps reduce pain if you work out and you're a little sore from your morning workout or evening workout, it's going to help reduce all that. It's going to calm down the nervous system especially to keep your mind from just running crazy. But magnesium is the number one mineral deficiency in our world today, and especially in our Western culture, as I keep coming back to. So getting your magnesium levels up can almost instantly reduce your body's stress load, improve the quality of sleep.
