From the course: Business Tax Foundations

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W3 filings with the government

W3 filings with the government

From the course: Business Tax Foundations

W3 filings with the government

- [Narrator] Once you have your W3 completed you're ready to go and submit it to the Social Security Administration. To do this you'll need to use the Social Security Administration's business services online portal. If you haven't used BSO before, you'll need to register for that here. Once you've registered, you'll be prepared to go and log in to BSO online. To do this you'll need a username and password which are issued by the Social Security Administration so it won't be simple. Make sure that you've registered before the first time you go and need to file this. Otherwise you may find that you don't get a username quickly enough to file on a timely basis. A'right, once you've logged in, you'll need to click to report wages to Social Security. To do that, you'll need to go and upload your formatted wage file. This is the easiest way to submit your W3 forms to the federal government. So you'll click submit a formatted file. You need to make sure that you have that file formatted in…
